6 juni - 22:55

Medis – SATS Medis, this is often where the shit goes down on the weekends. Today was kind of a weekend in the middle of the week.
Kristian, Ylva, Peter, Leo and I met up to do some heavy ass stiff-deadlifts.
Of course we ended up pushing each other to new PB’s! Me, I did 14(15?) reps at 170 kilos. Pretty pleased.
After 6 heavy sets we moved on to chins. A heavy stairway to heaven ended up at 6 reps at 40 kilos extra to my 97,7 kilos of body weight. Some more intense rowing with snatch-grip and narrow-grip as a superset was the fininshing touch. The schizo-weather showed up from the best side afterwards and Emily and I enjoyed the free D-vitamin outside.

The rest of the day I have been doing some private work for the blog and prepared the total nuutrition schedule for tomorrow.
Feedback on my temporary swich to English typing in the blog? It’s just a test for my self in order to see if I can pull it off.

Tomorrows nutrition:
Chicken 300 g
Minced beef 300 g
Rice 150 g
Cottage Cheese 200 g
Peanutbutter 32 g
Raspberry 100 g
EAA-XX 10 g
Omega-3 5 g
Potatoes 200 g
Egg white 60 g
Body Science Whey 100 – 45 g
Milk 300 g
Curd 300 g

Total of 2300 kcal
240 g protein
190 g carbs
61 g fat

* Might add some more protein

Additional Supplements
Multi vitamin

9 Responses to “YET ANOTHER WORKOUT”

  1. Johan Hansson skriver:

    Imponerande engelska, proffsigt! Finns det nån funktion du kan lägga in så man lätt kan trycka på en knapp i blogginlägget så den översätter till exempelvis svenska?

  2. Filip skriver:

    Dear Garfield

    I think that you should incorporate more languages into your blog – perhaps a ”foregin friday” in which you always write on a different language – Next time, go Russian! Body-language would be ok too thou.

    xoxo Filip

  3. Filip skriver:

    Btw, what are your thoughts about that ”grip gel” that went from transparent to white when it dried out? I recall that you’ve mentioned it here and made a video about it, but then you didn’t really compare it to magnesium – what should i get? is magnesium the way to go or is the gel something worth picking up?

    Regards, Filip.

    • Gustaf Ollas skriver:

      Filip: Du har helt rätt.
      Har tappat bort (lol) tuben/gelen nu men den var inte optimal i mitt tycke. Mycket lättare och smidigare med Magnesium! De blir de iaf för mig i framtiden.

  4. jonathan skriver:

    CRAZY. But I like

  5. Filip skriver:

    Kära G

    Nej, inte alls en dålig ide ;)
    Jag antog att det inte var det optimala, då blir det magnesium! :D tack för svar, uppskattas.

    Med vänlig hälsning, F(ph)ilip

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